Welcome to yet another genealogical blog. Here I plan to share discoveries from my family tree research as I go along, in the faint hope that it might have some relevance to someone other than me.

The main family names which interest me are:

  • Somes (from east London, 1680s onwards, then Kensington & Chelsea, then southern Hampshire),
  • Smith and Osborn-Smith (from Gloucestershire in the early 1800s, via Oxford, to southern Hampshire, and finally the Isle of Wight), and
  • Spedding (from Morpeth, Northumberland, in the late 18th century, to Lepe and Exbury in Hampshire).

Other names connected along the way are Hallier, Jones, Thomas, Saxton, Layard, Pusey, Morley, Piper, Kitcher, Parsons, Charlton, Cohen, Cowan, Colyer-Fergusson, Wyatt, and many others I may get around to mentioning.

Who am I?
I’m Robin Somes, writer, photographer, musician and marine biologist, as well as rank amateur genealogist. I’ve been researching my family for around 20 years now; I expect to get the hang of it any day now. If you have any comments, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..